Overview of the Women’s Conference

The venue was beautiful. Tinley Park Convention Center outdid itself with the location, the setup, and the food. At first, I was skeptical about the food because I asked for fried chicken, catfish with collard greens, mac and cheese, potato salad, salad, peach cobbler, and cake. The food was the best. The women and vendors could not stop talking about it. Despite the aesthetics, the best part of the event was that women felt safe to allow themselves to feel vulnerable. They allowed themselves to face a few fears.

I have selfish reasons for creating the women’s conference. At first, it was to promote my book, Strengthening Your Inner Queen. After the first one, I needed to rethink my approach. My objective is to give women the support he or she needs at this time of life. No matter our background, we struggle to manage multiple roles as women.  Even for myself, there were times in my life when I needed the support of others because it has been an arduous journey for this strong friend. The women standing with me in this conference have helped me in my darkest moments. They helped and inspired me to become better. Encourage me in times when I want to give up.

As we took the theme, our “Time 2 Shine” seriously. We focused on what we needed to shine as women. We must be vulnerable, compassionate, graceful, and honest with ourselves. We can give these qualities to others in their time of need because we are the beacon of light for others. Yet, self-doubt, negative thoughts, and not knowing who we are as women outside our titles dim our light. Michelle Mckinnie brought it home, and we are not our titles. Takayenna Myers McGee informed us that we must be transparent and honest with ourselves. Tracy Redmond told us the journey would be difficult; therefore, we must develop the proper coping skills to help us along the way. Lastly, Jasmine Mack told us to celebrate the milestones we completed along the journey. Most importantly, it is not about the destination. It is about the journey we travel to get there.

If you missed this conference, do not worry. A third one is on the way. We will provide details by the summer. You will have an opportunity to hear ways to continue caring for yourself in a world we are learning to function in.


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Women’s Conference Second Conversation